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For Urban Retirement in Your Own Home

Lancaster Downtowners are a welcoming, caring community of seniors
that supports independence, social connection, and learning.

The Lancaster Downtowners Annual Auction is ready for previews! Our auction volunteers have been hard at work and our members, sponsors, and local business have been generous! The auction will go live on August 4th and runs through August 18th.

Funds raised through this annual event support the mission to engage older adults in meaningful opportunities that build a multi-dimensional support network to stay informed, involved, and independent in their community.

Isn't it great when doing good comes with a bonus? Treat yourself and your loved ones to something special on our auction list, and know that you are supporting a vibrant, connected intergenerational community at the same time. 


Now it is time to spread the word! We invite you to explore the auction and share about these marvelous items and experiences with your friends, neighbors, family, community groups, and colleagues.

About Us Video

Who Are Downtowners?

  Lancaster Downtowners is a network of people who share a common passion for downtown Lancaster as the community of choice for their senior years. Downtowners includes individuals who have already retired and are living in the city, others who anticipate living downtown for their senior years, and younger people supportive of the Downtowner's initiative.

 Member Benefits

Articles Related to Downtowners


Downtowners Value

  • An intentional retirement lifestyle connected to the Lancaster City community.
  • Contributing to the vitality of the city through work, volunteerism, civic leadership, and economic investment.
  • Personal development that nurtures mind, body, and spirit, and promotes peacemaking and right relationships with community and environment.
  • Aging in place within an inter-generational community.

Become a Member

Join Lancaster Downtowners at a special introductory rate. You will enjoy a six-month trial of educational and social programs, access to volunteer support through our Just One Call program, and connection to important resources. 
Most members live within Lancaster City but membership is open to anyone wishing to connect with the downtown community. Some Just One Call services are limited to persons living closer to downtown. 

 Special Promotion - New Member Signup



Donate Now

In order to keep membership fees as low as possible, Lancaster Downtowners does depend on contributions from members and non-members. Through your generous support, we can continue to provide services to all.

Donate Now . . .


Lancaster Downtowners offers short-term help with a variety of tasks for our members. This assistance is often provided by fellow members but we also accept and appreciate non-member volunteers who support our mission. Follow this link to complete an online volunteer application form.


More Volunteer Information . . .

Become a Sponsor

Lancaster Downtowner members collectively and individually contribute to the vitality of our community through volunteerism, leadership and friendship. Our members support the well-being of Lancaster City economically, civically and culturally.

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Thanks to our many sponsors

Executive Director Hours By Appointment:  Monday 9am-4pm,   Wednesday 9am-4pm,  Friday 9am-3pm