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HomeEventsSoloAgers: Power of Attorney and Estates Conversations

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SoloAgers: Power of Attorney and Estates Conversations


Are you working on your Power of Attorney for Estate Planning and don't have any family members to name? This is more common than you would think. Join us to learn some great ideas on how to handle this situation. 

  • understand the importance and need of legal documents including Wills, Trusts, Durable POA and Advanced Directives
  • understand the importance of having a well-crafted Power of Attorney
  • identify the authorities given by a POA to act on behalf of another person
  • summarize the responsibilities of the Executor of an Estate

Downtowner members must login (upper right corner) to register for this event.  


Are you a solo-ager? (What is a solo-ager?) Solo Agers are people that are making decisions about their future independently. You might be a solo ager if you are… An individual or couple without children. An individual who never married or had children. An individual living alone since the divorce or death of a partner.

     Some solo-agers find it challenging to identify a primary emergency contact, or decide how to designate different people for various roles, such as Power of Attorney, Healthcare Proxy or executor. 
     Join us for this opportunity for a discussion moderated by our executive director, Melissa Ressler. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2023, 12:00 PM until 1:30 PM
Community Mennonite Church of Lancaster
328 W. Orange St.
Lancaster, PA  17603

Additional Info:
Event Contact(s):
Melissa Ressler
Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
No Fee
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No Fee
Executive Director Hours By Appointment:  Monday 9am-4pm,   Wednesday 9am-4pm,  Friday 9am-3pm